Thursday, August 2, 2012

Another month has just disappeared?????

Why is the year going by so fast? Everytime I turn around lately, another quarter has gone by and then I spend a week at the computer doing bookwork for that wonderful Gov. Dept. - the Tax Office - ugh!!!!!

Not that I have been doing much scrapbooking lately, way too cold in my scrap room even with the oil filled heater on full blast, I have managed a few LO's which I finally got around to photographing. I should get a couple more done tomorrow at the Wagga Scrap Day at the Senior Citizens Rooms (well that is the plan anyway)

The Hut's August Challenge is now up as well (super organized on that score):
Due date: Sunday 9th September, 2012.

Two Challenges again this month:
Challenge #1:
Utilizing the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" create a single page LO with at least two photos (of any size and orientation).

Challenge #2:
Thought I would include another Sketch for you as the feedback for last month's Sketch has been great. The sketch for this month is quite simple, BUT, what I would like you to do is use it as the base for your LO only and add your own style to it. (Sketch is here :  ) for some reason I couldn't upload it to Blogger?????
I am looking forward to seeing how everyone goes with these.

cheers and enjoy the last month of Winter ...
Di (aka Chook) xxx